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Qorvo® Enables Mobile Connectivity

Mobile devices drive our connected world. Qorvo's RF solutions allow your next-generation mobile devices to deliver the experience that consumers expect.


  • How High-Energy Capacitor Banks Drive Plasma Research

    High-energy capacitor banks power cutting-edge plasma research, enabling plasma generation, heating, and confinement in fusion experiments and pulsed energy applications like the National Ignition Facility’s laser systems.


Electronic Military & Defense was developed as a resource for engineers, program managers, project managers, and other professionals involved in the design and development of electronic and electro-optic systems for a wide range of defense and aerospace applications. Check out the digital edition of our latest issue for exclusive editorial on open architecture and standards applied to defense applications, overlooked EMC vulnerabilities, microfabrication, display technologies, and more.

Sign up to receive a free copy of the 2018 edition!


Remcom was formed in 1994 to develop and market software which would give our customers the capability to apply the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method to their particular applications...

Dielectric Laboratories is a global supplier of microwave and millimeter wave components for optical and wireless communications, military, medical, semiconductor, aerospace, and transportation markets. We are a manufacturer of High-Q Multi-Layer capacitors (MLC) and Single-Layer capacitors (SLC), Resonators, Filters, Broadband DC blocks, Thin Film components, and Custom ceramic components. In 2004, DLI acquired Voltronics Corporation, a world leader in precision variable capacitors.